Friday, December 17, 2010

I went to my friend Sue's for the first time the other day to help cook a French meal for another friend's class. I arrived just before sunset and as we planned the order of our evening I happened to look out the window to see a gorgeous purple and pink sunset! The entire day had been doubly doused in gray skies and clouds threatening some sort of precipitation so imagine our surprise. It distracted us just long enough from our onion soup preparations to enjoy the last few minutes of sunlight. Now that the days are so short I find myself appreciating more and more those last few minutes.

Even though they say it's the pollution that makes the sky these colors I can't help but let myself gasp each time I see one that stunning. My friend has some great property behind her house with a great clearing to see natural shows like this and I caught a few photos before she gave me a tour outside.
She's got these gorgeous weathered window frames in each window that add to the rustic feel of her house and make for fun photographic composition. I hadn't been paying attention to the time of day and it had been cloudy all morning and afternoon so as I walked past the window I stopped in some sort of shock. It was just so surprising to see after such a gloomy day. Sometime I feel odd just whipping out my camera but I can't help myself when I see something like this.

My camera was acting up a bit so I could only snap a couple, but I'm pleased with houw they turned out. It was pretty chilly out (it has been sooo cold here) so we quickly went back inside to stir the soup and turn over the chicken cordon bleu. There is nothing like a crock of piping hot soup in the middle of December (and, of course, a steaming cup of tea).

It's so lovely spending time with other women, in a toasty kitchen gabbing and gossiping and constantly poring over recipe cards. I really hated to leave but we're hoping to make this a recurring event this winter, something to look forward to for sure!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

rose colored glass

There's a local art center that offers classes the next town over from me. They aren't free; you have to pay tuition depending on the type of class and the type of materials needed to operate. During the fall season I took a fused glass jewelry course with a friend and my only goal was to learn a new skill and cultivate the creative side that I so easily neglect. It's so easy to make excuses for not completing the things I really want to accomplish: work, family, friends, work, exhaustion. My current job certainly wears me out but this class really allowed me to manage my time better which then forced me to make time for art. I even rearranged my bedroom to make it more of a functional studio, setting up stations for each step in the art I make.

So I made Wednesdays ART WEDNESDAYS. After I got home from work each week (after opening the coffee shop I have the afternoon and evening free) and just noodled around in my fake studio doing what really makes me happiest. Then I met up with my friend BA who also lives in my apartment building and off we would go to art class. It was a lesson in therapy each week, something we both really needed, to let out steam over work and life, all the while collaging pieces of glass together to see how they'd return to us after being fired in the kiln. It strengthened our bond as friends and honestly, it gave me something to look forward to each week. I really do miss being in school and studying all the time--I've sort of just been wandering around after graduating.

Last night was our last class which we spent in the gallery wiring our pieces to make complete pendants out of them and I'm really happy with everything I created. I love color and I love experimenting with colors in all facets of life--from home decor to makeup to art to clothing. I'll miss our little Wednesday gatherings but it's at the very least given me some amazing snippets of life to keep around.
